Teachers of the Modesto Suzuki Association follow the philosophies inspired by Dr. Shinichi Suzuki's revolutionary experiments in teaching young children to play musical instruments. Children learn music in a natural and direct way, very similar to the way they learn to speak. The enjoyment and confidence gained from success with music has the demonstrable side effect of fostering a strongly positive attitude toward other areas of learning.


The aim of the Suzuki program is not to produce professionals but to give children the experience of playing great music together and developing an appreciation and sensitivity for that which is beautiful and artistic in life. The Suzuki Method is a philosophy of teaching based upon these ideas:


  • Children learn by listening and imitating the teacher and through selected recordings.
  • All compositions studied are memorized. Reading is taught at a later date, when the student is ready.
  • A parent is required to attend both a group lesson and a private lesson each week. It is a good idea to take notes at both lessons.
  • Parents' assistance with daily practice is of the utmost importance. The parent is the 7-day a week "home teacher".
  • A cooperative triad is established between the parent, child, and teacher for effective learning. The parent as "home teacher" has the greatest task in the triangle and greater control of the learning environment. The teacher is your professional partner. The child will work hard with careful, patient, and persistent study and love. All members of the triangle must do their part.


To learn more about the Suzuki Method, read Nurtured by Love by Shinichi Suzuki and visit the Suzuki Association of the Americas at www.suzukiassociation.org